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 House Under The Ground

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Number of posts : 295
Registration date : 2010-12-23

House Under The Ground Empty
PostSubject: House Under The Ground   House Under The Ground Icon_minitimeMon Nov 14, 2011 9:35 am

I want to feel important, want to think I'm worth it
Still feeling lame in the end
Sit in, in the evening talking to my robots
Still feel the same in the end
Spend a little time, spend a bit more cash, makes you feel aright
Want to know the truth, I feel the same as you do

Wake up in the morning, be careful what you ask for
It's never gonna do in the end
The telephone is ringing, let 'em do the talking
It's never gonna do in the end

I want to have a girlfriend, want a bigger garden
Still feeling lame in the end
Move to California, sell a million albums
Still feel the same in the end
Everybody knows, better than you know, it makes 'em feel alright
Want to know the truth, feel the same as you do

Wake up in the morning, be careful what you ask for
It's never gonna do in the end
The telephone is ringing, let 'em do the talking
It's never gonna do in the end

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Wake up in the morning, be careful what you ask for
It's never gonna do in the end
The telephone is ringing, let 'em do the talking
It's never gonna do in the end

You wake up in the morning, be careful what you ask for
It's never gonna do in the end
The telephone is ringing, let 'em do the talking
It's never gonna do in the end
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