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 Cheeky Monkey

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Number of posts : 295
Registration date : 2010-12-23

Cheeky Monkey Empty
PostSubject: Cheeky Monkey   Cheeky Monkey Icon_minitimeMon Nov 14, 2011 12:42 am

My name is Jason, I'll rock your face in, 'cause I've got relations in my band
We like Van Halen and Iron Maiden, I'll do the talking understand?

Cheeky monkey! Cheeky monkey!

Yeah, you know I right, do you want a fight?
Stay up all night, if you've got the time
Any time I want to, Any place I'll need to
I'll be there, yeah I'll be all right
So get out of the kitchen, check out my pigeon
Fed-ex the masses, on my way
Jump on a rock bus, no one can stop us
We're going bonkers today

Cheeky monkey! Cheeky monkey!

Yeah, you know I right, do you want a fight?
Stay up all night, cos we've got the time
And any time I want to, Any place I need to
I'll need to be there, yeah I'll be all right?

We're cheeky monkeys, just like the Bee Gees
We put our words down so they rhyme
We rock in the summer, sleep in the winter
Park where we want to and pay the fine

Cheeky monkey! Cheeky monkey!

Yeah, you know I right, do you want a fight?
Stay up all night, if you've got the time
Any time I want to, Any place I'll need to
I'll be there, yeah I'll be all right?

Cheeky monkey! Cheeky monkey!
Cheeky monkey! Cheeky monkey!
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